Head spinning pace…

11 11 2010

These men and women of Taiji are ruthless executioners (and trainers are included)…hands down. Within the last 8 days the pace in which these people operate is simply that of a serial killer profile but without the plotting…they just do it – no thought. And “who” are the plotters writing the execution orders…the Japanese government, after all – they issue the permits.

Tonight, the sin-laden fisherman drove into the cove 10 pilot whales and without hesitation, all of them were mercilessly slaughtered and gutted – didn’t take them more than an hour once the whales were inside the cove. No second thought, just sheer blood thirsty killing. See the movie “The Cove” and you’ll see the evil in their eyes which propels their actions…I am not kidding. Their speed for killing this day I am sure was driven by the fact these poor whales were not captivity trade money makers, the bottlenose “Flipper” dolphins – to them, the fisherman, these mammals were “nothing”.

Just two days ago, another AWFUL day. As written by Elora Malama West (17-year-old who has been in Taiji since September 1), “The trainers went in, selected 8. About 40 were slaughtered right after the trainers left… and maybe 50 were let go. It was horrible. These two baby dolphins were swimming around in their family’s blood, looking for their mom (who was probably taken for captivity). When the slaughter was finished they drove the rest of the pod out, but the two babies did not want to go, they were looking all over for mom. So the evil men slaughtered them too”. Elora continues, “We have footage of the trainers holding dolphins under the water so they can inspect them, and possibly make them weaker and easy to move. The trainers drown two dolphins, and left them floating in the Cove. Rupert got all that footage and Sea Shepherd will be posting”. See Elora’s blog for complete coverage (click here).



1) I must say it again, anyone associated with and/or patronizes a captive dolphin enterprise is SUPPORTING the slaughter of dolphins…no excuses. Interested in seeing dolphins, see them where God intended them to be, in the wild. Would be a GREAT vacation for the family!

2) Refrain from purchasing Japanese products; Honda’s, Toyota’s, electronics (cameras, T.V,’s) etc. Japan is already extremely rich with the exports they deliver, let’s not fuel the dolphin captivity trade.

3) Send a letter, fax, call and email (daily if possible, especially when a pod is in danger) to the following:

Prime Minister Naoto Kan
Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
1-6-1 Nagata-cho
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. 100-8914 JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-5253-2111
Website: http://www.kantei.go.jp/foreign/index-e.html
Comment form #1: https://www.kantei.go.jp/foreign/forms/comment_ssl.html
Comment form #2: https://form.cao.go.jp/kokusai/en_opinion-0001.html

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Masahiko Yamada
1-2-1 Kasumigaseki
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. 100-8950 JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-3502-8111 Fax: +81-3-3502-8220
Website: http://www.maff.go.jp/e/index.html
Contact form: https://www.contact.maff.go.jp/maff/form/114e.html

Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki
2520 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington D.C. 20008-2869
Tel: (202) 238-6700 Fax: (202) 328-2187
E-mail: jicc@ws.mofa.go.jp

3) Consider being a Cove Guardian and/or donate to Sea Shepherd or Save Japan Dolphins

For more information on the Cove Guardians, please visit: http://www.seashepherd.org/dolphins/cove-guardian-reports/

For the dolphins, may they swim forever free,
Carrie & William DeBord



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